a statement published by Partizan.

While the fascist AKP-MHP clique holds out one hand for peace with the Kurds, it brandishes the truncheon against the Kurds and all other social groups with the other. While ‘lullabies of democratisation’ are sung on the one hand, not even a balance of power can be established within the system. In the 100-year history of fascism, the peoples, the oppressed nations and nationalities, the oppressed religions were mercilessly and bloodily persecuted, and the struggle between the fascist cliques also took on infinitely harsh, merciless and destructive forms. This situation is permanent and stable. It is also compatible with the fascist character of all ruling cliques. When one of the fascist cliques took the reins of the state in hand, tyranny was the only way it knew, while when it let go of the reins, it became the most implacable defender of ‘democracy and the interests of the people’. This became its irrevocable law. Turkish history is a testament to this.

As the Turkish Republic enters its second century under the leadership of the AKP-MHP alliance, it is in the process of reinforcing its two main characteristics. The first is its fascist character and the second is its economic and political dependence on imperialism. This is not a preference, but a necessity of its socio-economic system. It sees the expansion of its sphere of influence in the region as a strong part of the imperialist warmongering. Otherwise, there will be existential developments, such as the inability to protect the borders that it has established through intimidation, violence, fraud and massacres. That is why he is taking peace steps with the Kurds. That is also why he is trying to strengthen the fascist regime at home as much as possible. This situation clearly shows us that the process initiated by Devlet Bahçeli will not include the ‘democratisation’ of the state and is an impossible dream.

On the one hand, the AKP-MHP coalition continuously uses oppression and violence against the people, the Kurdish nation and all sections of society, depriving them of their fundamental political, economic and social rights, while on the other hand it crushes, suppresses and dissolves rival cliques. In doing so, it tears up the constitution, laws and decrees. There are no longer any rules for planning attacks. There is no consistency. Anything that gets in the way is targeted. The rule ‘what comes with the ballot box goes with the ballot box’ only applies to them. The ‘will of the people’ only applies if the result is in their favour. The constitution and the laws are sacred insofar as they protect them. Freedom of speech, action and opinion only apply as long as they are praised and supported. Theft, favouritism, nepotism and even exploitation must be their monopoly. The monopoly on the possession of arms is not up for debate, and only they have the right to be organised. For everyone else, it is all forbidden: terrorism, subversion. This is the sabotage of the great Turkey that is emerging at the beginning of the second century.

This approach leads to the masses of the people being kept in devastating political, social and economic poverty. It also requires the liquidation and intimidation of all organised popular forces. Not only that, it also leads to the wearing down, weakening and threatening of all other reactionary cliques in the police and judicial apparatus.

This is the aim of the police and judicial pressure that has been exerted on Ekrem Imamoglu for some time. Ekrem Imamoglu, who has turned the discontent, anger and reaction of the broad masses against the AKP-MHP into a filling material to increase his political power, is at the centre of the attack. The AKP-MHP is ruthless enough to consolidate its power and destroy its rivals by using all fascist forms. It is ruthless enough to make Ekrem Imamoglu’s university degree, which he obtained 35 years ago, the subject of a court ruling. The will to continue the struggle of the cliques without rules, laws and constitutions was first demonstrated by the revocation of the 35-year-old degree and then by a large-scale arrest operation for ‘corruption and electoral alliance with Kurds’.